Shipping Policy
We deliver to all 50 states, P.O. boxes, and military addresses (APO/FPO). Shipping carriers are selected based on the delivery location and the shipping method chosen at checkout.
For items shipped from our warehouse:
Standard Shipping: 2–5 business days
Express Shipping: 1–3 business days
Orders are typically processed within one business day. Once your order ships, you will receive a confirmation email with tracking details. Please note that we cannot upgrade shipping or change the delivery address after an order is placed.
For items marked “ships directly from vendor”:
These items are shipped by the manufacturer, processed within 2 business days, and delivered in 3–7 business days after shipping.
Expedited shipping is not available, and these items can only be shipped to destinations within the contiguous U.S.
Orders for these items cannot be canceled or adjusted.